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Flu and pneumonia

Each year a programme of influenza vaccination is carried out at the medical centre and it is strongly recommended that patients at greatest risk i.e. over 65 years of age, diabetics, asthmatics and those with a history of heart disease take advantage of this vaccination.

Patients should contact the surgery every September to make an appointment.

Find out about flu vaccination for adults

Find out about flu vaccination for children

Pneumonia vaccinations are available all year for the same category of patients. One pneumonia vaccination will provide lifetime cover.


COVID-19 vaccination is safe and effective. It gives you the best protection against COVID-19.

The NHS website provides information about the vaccination, who can get it, and safety and side effects.

Find out about COVID-19 vaccination

Travel advice/ immunisation

Please book an appointment with the travel nurse at least six weeks prior to departure, as some immunisations need to be given in advance to provide optimum cover.

Please note that not all travel vaccines are covered by the NHS, so you may be required to pay a charge. It is advisable to bring cash or a cheque book/guarantee card with you to your appointment. Please note that the practice is currently unable to accept credit cards.

Related information

NHS vaccinations and when to have them