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COVID Vaccination Programme – Autumn Boosters

The autumn booster campaign is underway at our Trevelyan House site and, if you are eligible, you will be receiving an invite to book your appointment if you have not already. You should have your booster at least 3 months after your last dose of vaccine.

Those eligible for booster vaccinations are:

  • Residents and staff in care home for older adults
  • Frontline health and social care workers
  • All adults aged 50 and over
  • Those aged 5 to 49 in clinical at-risk groups, including pregnant women
  • Those aged 5 to 49 who are household contacts of immunosuppressed people
  • Carers aged 16-49

If you are unwell, please wait until you have recovered to have your vaccine. If you have had confirmed COVID, you should ideally wait 4 weeks before having your autumn booster. You should not attend a vaccination appointment if you are self-isolating or waiting for a COVID test.