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GRAFTON PCN – COVID Vaccination Programme update 05/02/2021

Our Primary Care Network (PCN) vaccination hub at Trevelyan House has made a great start. We have contacted all patients in the priority groups 1-4 and we have also vaccinated significant numbers of patient-facing health and social care workers.

We have found that there are some incorrect addresses and phone numbers so, if you or a relative is registered with us and has not yet had a vaccination, please contact us.

It is very important for all patients to let us know of any changes to contact details.

We apologise for having called some patients within the specified priority groups three times but we feel so strongly that you should take up this offer.

The vaccines are safe and will protect you from serious illness. It will allow all of us to get our lives back to normal. Certain populations seems to have more hesitancy and there are some common misconceptions being circulated. Please see this link to a short video which may reassure you and get in touch if you are not yet vaccinated and would now like to take up the offer.

Our clinics are set up to be socially distanced and safe and are run by doctors and nurses who know and care for you.

Dr Penelope Smith

Senior Partner and Clinical Director, Grafton PCN